During a free-wheeling browse on the Net I stumbled on CRITICAL MASS, a blog that might interest those with a flair for books, reading. The site features commentary on literary criticism, publishing, writing and all things pertaining to the US-based National Book Critics Circle (NBCC)
Book critic Jerome Weeks, till recently on the Dallas Morning News staff, gives us his take on book critics - they must read in gross tonnage, read hastily in trains, planes and lunch-lines, and read books no one should bother with.
Unlike a film or concert that one can endure for two hours, reading a pointless book (to write a review) can take days.
Reading, that doesn’t really sound like work to most others, can seem like prison sentence (to a book columnist).
Reading for pleasure can be particularly appealing because it is so counter-culture - so counter to our prevailing techno-bully-rapid-response-profit-margin mindset.
Reading is slow, it’s private, and it’s non-electronic.
Reading fiction is particularly suspect in our Get Ahead Nation.
Reading like many things in life is an acquired pleasure. Of course it is private. A life bereft of reading I believe is an empty life. There are zillions of people who will never give up this part of their life. So GVK rest easy. Let the profit makers make money but provide us good reading. Recommend me a good book on world history.
I am reminded of a quote I read long ago........"Consider how much difference there is between the tired man who wants a book to read and the eager man who wants to read a book"