'The Invisible CEO' by A G Krishnamurthy sounds interesting. It's the story of someone who started an ad. agency with Rs.35,000 and one client. It is also the Mudra story. AGK believes there are two types of CEOs. The second is the high-profile partying type that is quite removed from his company's performance. Mr Krishnamurthy belongs to the first category - "I have always believed that my identity began and ended with my visiting card". - AGK quoted in 'The Hindu', by Divya Ramamurthi.
Would like to hear from someone who has 'The Invisible CEO' on his book-shelf, and is willing to loan it for a read.
The Invisible CEO reflects the values of AGK, says another CEO Ramanujam Sridhar, adding that Mr Krishnamurthy has often been described as 'a black and white' guy. The CEO of Brand-Comm who interviewed the author for Deccan Herald terms the 'Invisiobe CEO' as AGK in print. It's from the heart; it's down-to-earth; and. the book is not just for the ad. people but everyone who wishes to be successful.
Who wouldn't want to be, Mr Sridhar ?
A sampling of AGK's quips:
Chase Success, don't chase money.
AGK had no use for prima donnas in his agency, Mudra. Talent without tantrums was his dictum.
To be successful you must have an objective in life - when there is no port of call, no wind is the right wind.
Shri GVK That gigantic worthwhile booklist you have suggested: Could anybody have read them all? Hardly possible methinks in one lifetime. How about some books in Kannada since you live in Mysore ? Kuvempu's (Dr K V Puttappa) works even though they are monumental of works of high literature way above the heads of most non academics?