The MyMysore blog has muddled through for months. Admittedly, we haven’t made much of a dent in changing mindsets among a critical mass of Mysore’s informed citizenry. This may have had to do with the low broadband density in the city. And it has been our experience that not all those who have access to the Internet take to blogs or blogging. I know of some who brush it aside as digital graffiti or, at best, an inferior form of communication.
The sunny side of the emergence of websites such as ‘Churumuri’ and MyMysore dot com is that they have evoked a new-found sense of public participation in an ongoing debate over issues of common concern, among a growing section. The blogs have given voice to those who had remained unheard. More pertinently, Mymysore has helped discover a blogger in some individuals who never suspected that they had it (blogging) in them.
Now MyMysore dot com is at a stage at which its bloggers and numerous others who post ideas in the Net are clearly looking for wider exposure. In any other society the media would have been vibrant enough to pick up story ideas from, and synergize with, community blogs. Not surprisingly, none of the newspapers in Mysore appear interested in sharing our excitement in connecting with people, to share information, issues and ideas. It is not as if the Mysore media is unaware of the MyMysore phenomenon. It is just that they prefer to pretend we don’t exist.
Which is why we are toying with the idea putting in our presence in print, for the benefit of those on the wrong side of the digital divide. I’d call it the Mysore Blint, that is, a blog in print. The plan is to bring out a fortnightly tabloid, eight to 12 pages, for free circulation. Its viability, logistics and the legality of its registration, if needed, are being discussed in our in-house think-tank. We could also do with your thoughts on how to make the Blint happen.
Would appreciate any help by way of contacts to secure advt. support, to develop a network of outlets for the free-sheet - show-rooms, departmental stores, Internet cafes, doctor’s waiting rooms - and to get cost-effective printing options.
It the Blint idea appeals to you, feel free to join our think-tank for coffee and a strategy session this Saturday, August 5; 6 p m, at my place: 3-B (third floor), Premier Residency, 314 Dewan’s Road, Devaraja Mohalla (entry on the lane, behind the medical college hostel and close to the JLB Rd. Rotary School)
I'm not going to be in India, as usual, during the meeting of minds at GVK's unfortunately, but I am willing to help in any way that I can. Hope the blint finds success. I can't say that has been unsuccessful because it has begun to draw some good responses from a wide diaspora of Mysoreans. It may not have been a runaway success but things like this take time, plenty of time. These are all new concepts for our town and Mysoreans. I can be of help electronically and some seed capital;Any other help such as dispatches from various countries that I visit can also be used, if suitable, in the Mysore Blint.
May also need the input of Kannada Stalwarts like Mr. Nataraj and Vijendra Rao, as I feel that the Blint should be in both Kannada as well as English so that we can reach all sections of Mysore society. What do you say guys?
It's a good idea to involve more people and get the ideas moving.The propsed meeting will also help. If I am in town, I will certainly come. I will give you a ring sometime during the week.
As I remember, once you had even expressed an idea of a news paper entitled MYSORE ON THE WEB. It is definitely a good idea to bring in paper print. As you often associate the term synergy, i wish would be fulfilled with an other dimension of
It is a welcome endeavor which will definitely find good appreciation among the citizens of mysore and set an example to other cities as well.
It is a very stimulating idea and I envisage lot of good can happen to develop Mysore by building a body of committed individuals interested to do some good to Mysore. I also concur with the idea of making it bilingual. I will come for the brainstorming session on 6th August.
Its a great idea.I will try to make it on coming Sat.otherwise my support for this venture will be always there. Let like minded people join together and make this a great success.
No doubt a great idea. The session on sat should have Vijendra and Gowri Satya, who can give us the pit falls and strategies for this kind of a venture. Will you both be there plez?
The very thought of Kannada print version is stimulating. Yes, Mr GVK and those who triggered the idea do certainly deserve an applaud.
Hi Captain,
Thanks for calling me as a stalwart. Whereas , the reality is " nanobba kannada saraswatha lokada diggajagala mundina HASUGOOSU"...extremely long way ahead to go.....
Would like to share with you the operative points of the off-web interaction I have had with some stakeholders. Mr Naga Kumar is the first to have come forward with offer of advt. support for the proposed tabloid. Dr Javeed Nayeem is expected to come up with costing figures, and share with us his thoughts on potential distribtuion outlets and advertisers. Capt.Anup Murthy, now based in Singapore, spoke of the possibility of his coming up with some seed money. He has also suggested we should make it bilingual - English-Kannada publication.
This raises the issues of the additional cost in going bilingual, generating Kannada text content from the web (apart from carrying Mr K R Nataraj's blog pieces, we need to translate items from some blogs), and finding a volunteer for Kannada editorial work. Mr Nataraj has offered to help, with undertandable time constraints.
Mr Shankar Prasad has offered to bring along a friend from the printing trade. So has Mr M P Prashanth, a multimedia professional. Besides, he has offered help in page make-up, design issues, and tap potential advt. sponsors. He suggested we approach prospective advertisers with a four-page printed dummy issue, to give them an idea of the feel, look and contents of the Mysore Blint.
Whoever came out with this idea needs to be congratulated. There are many people not only in Karnataka but even here in the US (though the percentage is less) who detest computers, but would love to participate and interact with others on various issues Those who do not have access to computers, are not computer savvy or some of those who have a “savathimatsara” towards computers welcome the idea of a tabloid and especially so when it is free! Wishing only the best for The Mysore Blint project, - Vasu, Florida
I am happy to learn of this new venture and I wish you all the best. I would have been happy to attend the meeting, but I am unlikely to be in Mysore on that day. Thanks.
Idea is really innovative. What was being complained about not enough people having access to the internet to get a glimpse of what is happening in the unedited discussion forums, will be solved with this concept.
Unfortunately as i am not able to travel from Bangalore now due to ill health forces me to miss the brainstorming. But please do give us the aftermath